Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Today I became a mark. representative. So, look forward to reviews of there products & visit my mark. store!


This wonder blogger informed me about it & she has a fantastic blog to begin with! &She's beautiful, don't you think?! :D
Visit her here!

I can't wait to spread the word some more. mark. has m.powerment jewelry and makeup which is honestly what sold me on the idea. If you want to learn more head over to my store or to the mark. website. 

I can't wait for my first shipment so I can show you the products! :D


  1. you both make me want to become one! Is it hard to enroll?

  2. Nope not hard at all! Only $20 dollars to sign up. :D I'll message Jackie & have her send some info your way if you'd like!

  3. awwww thanks!!! You seriously are so sweet! I'm so incredibly excited for you! I can't wait to see the looks you come up with!

    xo Jackie

    xo Jackie
