Sunday, December 11, 2011

All I want for Christmas..

is an engagement ring! Haha, I told my boyfriend that I would love a ring for Christmas. How unromantic right? Well, I don't want to be pushy but I would love any type of ring, engagement or not, from him. :) I can't wait until the day I marry him!

&i wanted to share this with you as well! Look how different I look in these two photo's!
Senior Pictures 2010

Random picture taking 2011

Isn't the difference insane! I don't know what's even changed but it's strange to see such a big difference. .
I wish I had blue eyes. Red hair. Smaller nose. Smaller body, less fat. But sadly no..I am what I am &I'm trying the best I can to accept me..for me!

&if you have high self esteem, I envy you. Share your secrets on how you love you. :)


  1. You are so beautiful! I can't believe you'd want to look any different.

    I think nobody has high self-esteem... everybody always wants to change something about themselves...

    I love your blog.

  2. Well thank you! :) & i agree with you, no matter what there are always flaws that you see in yourself. Thanks for the reminder. :D

    &Thanks! I love your blog as well! :DD

  3. You look beautiful, don't think for even one tiny second to change!
    I haven't high self esteem, but I think that everyone is a little insecure in the end, and wish to change something!

    anyway, I'd love a ring too! I think it's the best present for a girl :P
    hope you get it :)

  4. from what i've read in your posts the last couple of months, you seem like a beautiful person inside and out. love that senior picture :)

    What's the next line? Help write the story!

  5. oomph; thank you. :) I try my hardest to be the best I can! :)

  6. you look simply gorgeous love your blog girl follow me i do the same..:)
